Empowering Leaders. Impacting Kids.
Children's Ministries in the North American Division of Seventh Day Adventists is a ministry that is filled with people who are diligently working to create resources that will empower our leaders.
From devotionals for Children, to training, to Vacation Bible School materials and even help in crafts, we try and create resources while remaining current and "fresh". We want to be able to relate to our children of THIS GENERATION and inspire them to "Say YES to Jesus".
Logos and Branding
CLICK HERE to download our brand-book!
ChildMin NAD allows you to use our logos for the benefit of your individual ministries. Please be sure to use them according to Brand Standards & Guidelines (shown above) and on materials that represent the Seventh Day Adventist Church beliefs.
If you would like the logos in another format, please be sure to "Contact Us" at childrensministries@nadadventist.org.